About Us

To Ignite                          To Inspire                   To Illuminate

Accendo (latin): kindle| light; illuminate; inflame| arouse; make bright

Accendo is a latin word for "illuminate", "ignite or inflame" and true to its meaning, Accendo learners' hub was set up by a group of ex-teachers with the purpose of igniting the passion for learning. With the vast experience and wide array of education resource behind the teaching staff of Accendo learners' hub, they strive to illuminate the learning journey of the pupils.

We offer a range of courses that are helmed by our very own, specialised teachers.  With each class size strictly limited to less than ten, we are confident your child will benefit from the greater attention and focus from us.

Pre-primary Level                                                        
P1 Preparatory Classes (EL & MA)     
Primary Level
Entry Test (Placement exams)
Creative Writing
Math Olympiad
Screening Test (GEP)

Call us now! 6 515 3969

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